2008-2009年印度水產品出口量成長11%印度水產品出口量在2008-2009會計年度成長11.29%,產值亦較上個會計年度同期增加0.50%。出口值佔總出口收益44%的冷凍蝦仍為租房子單一最大出口水產品。由下圖可看出魚產品產量佔40%(蝦21%)。 印度:水產品出口趨勢 (產量Q=公噸;產值V=萬美元) 種類 2008-2009年 2007-2008年 成長(﹪結婚西裝) 冷凍蝦 Q 126,042 136,223 -7.47 V 839.30 980.62 -14.41 冷凍魚 Q 238,543 220,200 8.33 V 375.23 326.29 15.00 冷凍烏賊(cuttlefish) Q 50,698 45,955 關鍵字廣告10.32 V 168.17 186.66 -9.42 冷凍魷魚(squid) Q 57,125 34,172 67.17 V 142.87 101.29 41.05 乾燥類 Q 31,688 22,414 41.38 V 92.51 64.72 42.94 生鮮類 Q 澎湖民宿3,434 2,498 37.47 V 21.82 17.21 26.84 切片類 Q 21,453 6,541 227.98 V 48.39 29.62 63.35 其他 Q 73,851 73,698 0.21 V 220.33 193.68 13.76 總計 Q 澎湖民宿602,835 541,701 11.29 V 1,908.63 1,899.09 0.50 資料來源:印度海洋水產品出口發展局(MPEDA)(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 19/2009)租房子~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EXPORT OF MARINE PRODUCTS GREW 11% IN QUANTITYDuring the fiscal 2008-09, exports of Indian seafood rose by 11.29% in 租屋網quantity and 0.50% in value from the lastcorresponding period.Frozen shrimp continued to be the single largest export item in terms of value 網路行銷accounting for about 44% of the totalexport earnings. In quantity, fish accounted for the major share at 40% (shrimp 21%) as could be observed from 裝潢thetable below.India: Export trend of marine products (Q=MT; V=US$ Million)

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